I know I am very slow but I just recently found out a beauty remedy that will leave you amazed by how fast you can achieve the best results of soft and bouncy skin!
All this come from the never gets old remedy by VASELINE petroleum jelly!
I used to think Vaseline is too oily and it never absorbs to the skin and makes you feel all oily and greasy but due to this cold and chilly and very much dry weather though there's always rain weather, i decided to use a small 1p size Vaseline and added to my all time favourite moisturizer (Clinique's dramatically different moisturizing gel) and just mixed it and just applied it all over my face and not surprisingly it was so so greasy and yucky feeling once i applied.
I was testing it as an experiment whether it will either break me out real bad or it will turn out as oppose to my 1st conclusion, that is my skin will be baby-soft like as it is a very very moisturizing gel. I was not scared of risking my face, but i did numerous research on Vaseline and most of it wrote that it is not a good choice when it comes to using it as a moisturizer as it is too moisturizing and thick and will block the pores.
So me being myself don't really trust all that until i see it for myself, PROVEDMERIGHT!
it was the best moisturizer EVER! (added to my usual moisturizer that is)
Because i have oily and combination skin and added Vaseline to it was the best choice i ever made and i will so do it for every night as a night time moisturizer!
After i left the greasy and yucky feeling moisturizer on, in a few hours it was all absorbed to my face and the greasy feeling starts to fade and the next morning it does feel very oily on the nose but once I washed my face (with only water) and i can totally see the difference with one use!
My face totally become softer and much more bouncier than before!
SO after using it for a week, i decided to share it with my readers who follows up with my blog and help you readers to achieve better skin with a SO MUCH MORE AFFORDABLE BEAUTY REMEDY!
Thank me later after you give it a try! :)
And not to forget to put it on your lips too before going to sleep and it will leave you with the softest lips and prepped you for the day with soft lips! No need to pay extra for lip mask or scrubs!
Last but not least is a video of me being a retard! hahahhaa! i was trying ways to say hi like all the girls who do it on instagram but sadly i dun know how to convert my video to the format suitable for instagram with the same quality as i am using android. :(
Signing off,
Joey xx